Package-level declarations


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class ChoreoFollower(drivetrain: SwerveDrive, trajectory: ChoreoTrajectory, xController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_X_KP, 0.0, 0.0), yController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_Y_KP, 0.0, 0.0), thetaController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_ROTATION_KP, 0.0, 0.0), poseTol: Pose2d = Pose2d(0.035, 0.035, Rotation2d(0.035)), timeout: Double = 0.65, resetPose: Boolean = false, debug: Boolean = false) : Command

Follower command so a robot can follow a parsed Choreo Trajectory with feedback

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class ChoreoRoutine(xController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_X_KP, 0.0, AutoConstants.DEFAULT_X_KD), yController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_Y_KP, 0.0, AutoConstants.DEFAULT_Y_KD), thetaController: PIDController = PIDController(AutoConstants.DEFAULT_ROTATION_KP, 0.0, AutoConstants.DEFAULT_ROTATION_KD), drive: SwerveDrive, stopEventMap: HashMap<Int, Command> = HashMap(), parallelEventMap: HashMap<Int, Command> = HashMap(), poseTol: Pose2d = Pose2d(0.05, 0.05, Rotation2d.fromDegrees(1.5)), resetPosition: Boolean = false, resetPositionTolerance: Pose2d = Pose2d(0.0, 0.0, Rotation2d.fromDegrees(0.0)), timeout: Double = 0.65, debug: Boolean = false)

Class for easily creating an autonomous routine command given Choreo Trajectories and parallel/stop events

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Interface to guide you as to how to create a Choreo routine class.

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class ChoreoTrajectory(val name: String, val stateMap: InterpolatingMatrixTreeMap<Double, N2, N3>, val totalTime: Double, val objectiveTimestamps: ArrayList<Double>)

Data structure for parsed Choreo Trajectory, and interpolates between points given in the Choreo file. Use the parser function below to create a ChoreoTrajectory.